Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Paradoxical Pathways (Hyperlinks)

Paradoxical Pathways: An Ethnographic Extension of Kohn’s Findings on Class and Childrearing by Annette Lareau. In this article the author raises this issue of parental values on leisure activities for children. Differences in values were seen across the economic class of the families. Middle class families felt “The more one can expose children to, with a watchful eye and supervision, the more creative they can be in their own thinking. The more options they will be able to see for themselves, the more they get a sense of improved self-esteem, self-worth, and self-confidence. I think that will carry them through adulthood. It’s something they can think back on as a good experience.” Working class and poor did not put much importance on leisure time. They spend their “source resources to provide for and protect children. They assume they will grow and thrive spontaneously through accomplishment of natural growth”.
 This may work for some children but not everyone; others need that opportunity to experience this natural growth. So for me I would lean more towards the middle classes approach, although I do agree that natural growth from within the child is very important as well. I have found a few examples talking about the importance of extracurricular activities and taking advantage of leisure time. These Hyperlinks relate to the text because they are all about why it is important to use leisure time wisely in the form of extra curricular activities. Kids spend a lot of time outside of school and having a hobby or activity that they are involved in will go a long way for that child. It will keep there mind sharp, they will develop self worth, meet new people, develop new skills that would be lost in traditional schooling such as team work and leadership. Parents are able to see a difference in their child's behavior when they are involved in extracurricular activities. It keeps kids busy and out of trouble and using their time in a positive way that will benefit them in the future. 
Hyperlinks Below

1 comment:

  1. It is so very important to know where you are in terms of how you view "leisure" time. You locate yourself in a middle class perspective, which is a great way to begin defining your comfort zone and beliefs. Knowing your beliefs and self will also help you if and when you are working with youth who come from working class or privileged class backgrounds. Managing different viewpoints/expectations can be tricky but also rewarding.
